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Abstract Submission Rules / Guidelines for IAPCON 2024

- Conference registration is mandatory for scientific presentation. If not registered yet, Primary presenter must register to attend the conference within maximum of 2 weeks of acceptance of the abstract and be present at the time of the conference.
- Authors must enter their professional category (e.g. Doctor, Nurse, psychologist, social worker, etc) and domain (e.g. Physical, psychological, social, spiritual, multi disciplinary, etc) that define the content of their scientific presentation.
- Last date for abstract submission:- “30th November 2023”

Type of Presentation format:
• There are 2 categories of the scientific presentations for conference.
   1. Poster presentation only
   2. Oral paper presentation only
• Authors must clearly indicate the presentation preference.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to suggest the final presentation method. More than 1 abstract can be submitted per author, however, the presenter accepted for oral presentation, will be permitted to present only 1 oral presentation. Other Abstracts by the author will be poster presentations.

Preparation Guideline
Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title that will indicate the content of the scientific data. Please refrain from using abbreviations in the title.
Language: All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to REJECT abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.
Abstracts: Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s).
Should be limited to a maximum of 250 words (excluding title and author affiliations) and should include the following: • Title of abstract
• Names and contact details of author(s) organisation, city /country, email, phone numbers, and mailing address}. Please indicate by UNDERLINING the name of the presenting author.
• The abstract must be presented with the following headings: Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
• Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables or any graphics in the abstract. (Please provide evidence of ethical approval and funding acknowledgements if any).
• Abstract should not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers or any identifying information.


• All abstracts must be submitted via the Online WEBSITE Portal.
• Please note that the submitting author will be the corresponding author. Please ensure the details are the same as presenting author.
• You will be notified of receipt of your abstract by email. If you do not receive an email within two weeks of submission or if you have any additional queries, please contact us on email iapcon2024@gmail.com.

Editing recommendation
• Microsoft Word is apt for editing and character counts.
• Font size : ARIAL FONT SIZE: 12

Selection Criteria
- Abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee through a blind review process and scored based upon the following criteria:
- Pertinence: Originality, Actuality, Useful Results
- Structure: Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, Word count.

Terms and Conditions
- The scientific committee reserves the right to make the final decision about abstract acceptance and its scheduling into the program based on topics and time constraints.
- All abstracts must be prepared using the abstract submission guidelines.
- Each abstract submission must indicate if the material was published or presented in part.
- A certificate of appreciation will be given to presenting Author (Only) to honour their presentation.
- Presenters must not use the session as a marketing opportunity for products\equipment

Points to remember for the Poster Presentation:
• Ensure that the title submitted in the abstract is the Title on the Poster.
• Ensure the headings, subheadings and body have descending font size.
• Make sure that the poster is designed in accordance to DIGITAL DISPLAY.
• Your DIGITAL Poster should be sent to the allocated personnel / Preview Room a day prior to your presentation. You should also have a backup of your presentation on a USB drive
• Be present at your poster for the allocated time. If you are not there, you will not be able to present your work.
• Practice presenting your work, within the allocated time for presentation. The presentation would be for 5minutes and Q&A for 5 minutes.
• The authors of posters should add the abstract id number on top right hand corner on poster
• SIZE of E-Poster
  i) The format/size of the E-Posters should be in PowerPoint, Landscape, one slide only, which should be in 16:9 ratios.
  ii) To be of value, your E-Poster should not be too cluttered. It should be set out in a clear and logical manner, with reading matter reduced to an essential minimum.
  iii) Lettering, including figure legends, labelling, symbols & graphs etc, should be large enough to be legible when viewed on a 50″ screen. Ordinary type-face is NOT adequate.
  iv) Drawings, diagrams and photos are extremely helpful and often necessary to display results and conclusions.
  v) Make sure that your illustrations are easy to understand; do not overload any chart or drawing with information.
  vi) Recommended Font Sizes and Styles:

    (1) You should use dark text colours on a light background, or vice versa. Recommended fonts are Calibri, Verdana and Arial, as these are easy to read and it’s possible that other fonts may have cross-operating system display issues.
    (2) Title: 50 – 60 pt (font size), although if you have a long title, you may find a need to use a slightly smaller font size.
    (3) Authors and institutions: 30 – 36 pt. Main text: 32 – 36 pt, although 28 pt or even 24 pt could be used in isolated areas, or if you have a very large amount of text.
    (4) References / Bibliography: 24 – 32 pt.
  vii) Videos & animations are not allowed in your E-Poster

Points to remember for Oral Presentation:
• 8 minutes of slides and oral presentation followed by
• 2 minutes of discussion and questions hosted by the chair
• Your slides should be sent to the allocated personnel / Preview Room a day prior to your presentation. You should also have a backup of your presentation on a USB drive.
• Familiarise yourself to the audio-visual facility. Ensure that your power point is playing well and the transitions happen as planned.
• On the day of the presentation, please be present at the allocated hall, 30 minutes prior to your allocated time.
• Please remember that question and discussion time is not part of your presentation time.
• Please practice your talk to be within the allocated time.

Points to remember while preparing your presentation:
• Ensure spellings are checked by at least two colleagues.
• Colour scheme and font size to the according to the guidelines.
• Bring your own preferred pointer if you have requirement for it.
• If requested for detailed tabulation and graphs should be produced.

Submissions Closed